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Improving Urban Planning through Localizing Agenda 21: Results achieved in Bayamo, Cuba, SCP/LA21 documentation series

This case-study shows how municipal urban planning practices can be improved through a Local Agenda 21 approach. It presents the results achieved by the city of Bayamo, Cuba.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

The Sustainable Cities Nigeria Programme 1994-2006: Building Platforms for Environmentally Sustainable Urbanisation

This publication is a review of the Sustainable Cities Programme’s experience and impact in Nigeria between 1994 and 2006. The Sustainable Cities Programme in Nigeria started in Ibadan in 1994. Later, it was extended to other cities.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

Xornada sobre a prevención de incendios forestais en grandes infraestruturas e núcleos rurais

Autores - Colaboradores: 


Autoestradas de Galicia: AG-55 e AG-57. AUDASA: AP-9
Organismo promotor: Xunta de Galicia. Consellería de Medio Rural


"UN-HABITAT Water and Sanitation books for Lower Primary: Tommy has a Tummy Ache River Murunji Maria's Doll"

"Tommy has a Tummy Ache
Tommy disregards all advice he has been given about drinking clean, boiled water. He regrets it immediately as suffers terribly. Find out what happens to Tommy in this exciting story.
River Murunji
River Murunji has become dirty. Its water is drying up. However, one girl named Susana and her classmates fight for River Murunji. They set out in an exciting journey to get River Murunji to its original status of glory. Will they succeed? Read and find out!
Maria’s Doll

Xornada sobre a prevención de incendios forestais en grandes infraestruturas e núcleos rurais

Autores - Colaboradores: 

Xosé Antonio Meixide.

Cambios no medio rural e a súa incidencia nas infraestructuras e incendios forestais.
Palabras clave: Xunta de Galicia. Consellería de Medio Rural


Aunt Pilipili

Mr. and Mrs. Ambache travel and leave their young children in the hands of their aunt, Pilipili. The two young children, Ambere and Ndiso, at first dread their Aunt. They find her strict and forbidding. Everything seems to be taboo until they find out that actually…their Aunt isn’t as bad as they thought she was.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

The Magic Waterman

Everyone thinks that Mzee Marende is a witch because he always has enough water, even to spare, when other people do not have water to drink. Incensed at Mzee Marende’s mysterious source of water, the people decide to attack him and his family accusing him of witchcraft. They set out to burn Mzee Marende’s entire family. In this exciting story, you will witness the deadly conflict as one man confronts and defeats an entire township. It is one of those stories a reader cannot forget easily.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

The Killer Fllods

A deadly disease strikes fear in the hearts of all people. In this exciting story, you will find out what the disease is and how it is transmitted. You will also find out what happens to a girl named Mbona when she gets the disease. Will she survive? To get the answer to this question, read on…
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

Constracted Wetlands Manual

This manual is a general guide to the design, construction and operation and maintenance of construsted wetlands for treatment of domestic and municipal wastewater as well as introduction to design of constructed wetland for sludge drying.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

Framework for Promoting Pro-Poor Water and Sanitation Governance in Urban Programmes and Projects

The purpose of this framework is to provide the basis for developing practical tools/instruments that would facilitate improvement in the operational activities of UN-HABITAT, in ensuring adequate water supply and sanitation services to the urban poor.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

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