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Sheikh Profile: First steps towards strategic urban planning - Urban development programme for the Somali region

The publication documents the process undertaken by the Sheikh Municipality, records the outcomes of the first broad consensus on urban issues, priority interventions and action plans, introduces the spatial analysis as a tool for strategic planning, and provides a comprehensive methodological tool for strategic urban planning.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

Systematic Land Information and Management A Technical Manual for the Establishment and Implementation of a Municipal Geographic Information System

This manual provides detailed, step-by-step instructions for administrators and technical personnel on how to set up and operate a Geographical Information System in a municipal context using ArcGIS software. Different GIS products may be used, though the procedures may change as a result. Rather than replacing existing policies and guidelines, the manual provides clear instructions on operationalizing GIS development.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

UN-HABITAT and the Kenya Slum Upgrading Programme Strategy Document

UN-HABITAT is one of the key partners of the Kenya Slum Upgrading Programme (KENSUP). KENSUP was initiated I 2001 by the Government of Kenya (GoK), and it is complemented and supplemented by UN-HABITAT through cooperation outlined in a Memorandum of Understanding and existing project documents. Project activities under KENSUP are taking place in Nairobi, Kisumu, Mavoko, Mombasa and Thika.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

UN-HABITAT in the Somali Region - 25 Years of Partnership in Urban Development

This booklet explains in detail the numerous UN-HABITAT projects that have been implemented, and also examines the evolution of the unique UN-HABITAT approach in the Somali region.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

A guide for Municipalities: Inclusive and Sustainable Urban Development Planning

This series of publications, “Inclusive and Sustainable Urban Development Planning: A guide for Municipalities” is a consolidation of the materials initially developed as UN-HABITAT’s response to the specific requirements of the Balkan context. The series has been suitably modified to be able to serve as a generic guideline for the training of urban planners in the area of urban strategic planning.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

Hargeisa Profile: First steps towards strategic urban planning - Urban development programme for the Somali region

The publication describes a city profile of Hargeisa, Somaliland. It serves mainly to inform civil society organisations and local urban planners of the challenges regarding general developmental issues and the spatial framework of the city.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT


Caderno de campo: Parque Nacional Illas Atlánticas de Galicia

Organismo promotor: Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales


The Role of Government in the Housing Market - The Experiences from Asia

This report examines the operation and performance of housing markets and particularly the impact of government intervention on the performance of housing markets in Asia. It presents different approaches and instruments used by different countries to deal with similar housing issues. The Asian experiences and practices can provide inspiration for other parts of the world to design effective and equitable housing instruments and policies.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

El espejismo de la educación ambiental

Autores - Colaboradores: 

Susana Calvo Roy. José Gutiérrez Pérez.

Este libro comeza relatando os orixes e o desenvolvemento internacional da educación ambiental, amosa a situación actual e perspectivas de futuro desta disciplina en España, aborda tamén o tema da xestión coma territorio común, presenta as paradoxas e espellismos da educación ambiental para a sustentabilidade, asi coma a encrucillada ante a cal se atopan os eduadores e educadoras,  remata expoñendo os modelos contemporáneos e marcos de fundamentación da EA.

Memoria de actividades 2005

Nesta memoria descríbense as actividades desenvolvidas pola Red Española de Ciudades por el Clima para actuacións sobre sustentabilidade urbana.
Organismo promotor: FEMP. Red Española de Ciudades por el Clima.


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