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Feed Eixoecologia


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Ciudades Verdes: Nuevos enfoques para afrontar el cambio climático

City governments play a critical role in addressing the global challenge of climate change. Though output in cities is responsible for the majority of global carbon emissions, a groundswell of local initiatives has placed local government on the front lines of environmental management. Yet at a moment when momentum has been building for cities to “go green”, it is unclear how their governments can attain the necessary funds to engage more actively in climate change adaptation and mitigation projects.

A Axenda 21 Escolar Galega

Autores - Colaboradores: 

Ramón López Rodríguez. José Antonio García Gandoy.

Este documento comeza falando da historia e definición dos conceptos educación ambiental e do desenvolvemento sustentable. Tamén define o que é a Axenda 21 Escolar relacionándoa coa Local e guiando ao lector para a realización dunha axenda 21 deste tipo, facer un seguemento e afrontar os problemas que se poden presentar. Aparecen asimesmo nesta publicación documentos importantes relacionados coa educación ambiental
Organismo promotor: D. X. de Desenvolvemento Sostible.


Conferencia Internacional: Ciudades Competitivas en la Economía Global

This international conference was jointly organised by OECD and Sevilla Global. They developed a stimulating agenda addressing issues relevant to OECD priorities and current international debate.  The conference was an important opportunity to bring together Delegates, academics, policy makers, politicians, practitioners and for the first time in such an OECD event Mayors of metropolitan regions.
Organismo promotor:OECD: Ayuntamiento de Sevilla

Conferencia Internacional sobre Ciudades Sustentables: Competitividad vinculación con la cohesión social

This high-level event brought together government leaders, policy makers and practitioners to examine and elaborate on the link between city competitiveness and social cohesion.
Organismo promotor:OECD

Conferencia Internacional sobre la competitividad de las ciudades

This conference was a unique forum for government leaders, policy makers and practitioners to explore the key issues related to city competitiveness.  National and local government representatives, mayors and practitioners had an unprecedented opportunity to discuss the topical issues faced by cities in their efforts to develop the best economic and social conditions to attract skills and investment.
Organismo promotor:OECD

Ciudades, Cambio Climático y la gobernanza multinivel

Autores - Colaboradores: 

Corfee-Morlot J., L., Kamal-Chaoui, Donovan MG, I. Cochran, Robert A. y Teasdale PJ

Cities represent a challenge and an opportunity for climate change policy. As the hubs of economic activity, cities generate the bulk of GHG emissions and are thus important to mitigation strategies.

La Economía de los efectos del cambio climático y la Política de beneficios en la escala de la ciudad: un marco conceptual.

Autores - Colaboradores: 

Hallegatte,S., Corfee-Morlot J., F.Henriet

Cities are particularly vulnerable to climate change and climate extremes because they concentrate many activities, people and wealth in limited areas. As a result they represent an interesting scale for assessment and understanding of climate change impacts as well as for policy assessment. This paper provides a conceptual backdrop for urban economic impact assessment of climate change and its specific aim is to provide both a conceptual and a methodological framework for OECD work in this area.

Desarrollo Sostenible 

This book takes a careful look at the concept sustainable development: what it means; how it is affected by production, consumption and globalisation; how it can be measured, and what can be done to promote it. The OECD produces data, research and policy recommendations on many issues related to sustainable development, including climate change, co-operation with developing countries and corporate social responsibility.
Organismo promotor:OECD

Políticas para mejorar el entorno físico urbano para la competitividad: Una nueva asociación entre los sectores público y privado 

Autores - Colaboradores: 

Tetsuya Shimomura, Tadashi Matsumoto

Globalisation and subsequent competition among cities have triggered a profound change in the mode of the governance of cities. It is often described as a shift from a managerial mode of governance, which had been primarily concerned with provision of social welfare services and control of private activities, to that of entrepreneurialism, strongly characterised by a pro-economic growth strategic approach.

Ciudades competitivas: un nuevo paradigma de empresa en el desarrollo espacial

Economic globalisation and the subsequent intensification of inter-city competition have profoundly changed urban governance. This is particularly evident in the field of urban spatial development. The change is often described as a shift from a managerial mode of governance to a more entrepreneurial mode, strongly characterised by risk-taking, innovation, a strong orientation toward the private sector and a strategic approach which focuses on economic growth.

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