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This is one of the products of the City Summit and its development was stimulated and accelerated by the special spirit of cooperation and partnership generated by Habitat II. It illustrates the impressive range of initiatives and actions with which cities all over the world, together with their partners in international support programmes, have been improving the practice of environmental planning and management.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT. PNUMA

This is the first of a series of three volumes of Source Books on Environmental Planning and Management (EPM). Volume 1, "Implementing the Urban Environment Agenda" is a carefully designed, user-friendly guide on how to carry out each stage in the process of developing urban environmental priorities, strategies and action plans. Based on the experiences of more than 450 city practitioners and partners from more than 75 cities and 20 international support programmes, the book is illustrated with examples of city practices drawn from almost 50 specially-commissioned case studies.

 Implementation and Replication of SCP process at city and national level
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT. PNUMA

 The urban environment and local governance has been accorded unparalleled attention in the recent international debate on development. UNCED, the 1992 Earth Summit, will be remembered as the conference in which the world acknowledged the importance of the environment for social and economic development. UNCED also recognised the potential of the SCP as a vehicle for implementing Agenda 21 at the city level, and recommended strengthening its role in this regard.

Neste libro descríbense aquelas especies de flora invasora máis significativas e, polo tanto máis agresivas de cara a colonizar con celeridade novos espazos e hábitatas. Tamén se sinalan as ameazas e os métodos de contros e prevención que deberemos ter en conta para evitar que Galicia, ademáis de sufrir os efectos negativos que chegarán co cambio climático, se vexa depauperado e aínda máis castigada pola presenza de especies estrañas que compiten activamente coas do patrimonio natural galego.
Organismo promotor: D. X. Conservación da Natureza


The sustainable cities programme (SCP) is a practical response to the universe search for sustainable development. The SCP focused primarily on capacity building in urban environmental panning and management.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT. PNUMA

Introductory Training Materials On The Urban Environmental Planning And Management (EPM) Process - Trainers Guide
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

UN-HABITAT is supporting cities in developing countries to address climate change. A component of the Sustainable Urban Development Network (SUD-Net), the Cities in Climate Change Initiative (CCCI), builds on UN-HABITAT’s long experience in sustainable urban development, specifically through the Sustainable Cities rogramme and Localizing Agenda 21 Programme.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

Esta guía de Plantas Útiles de Galicia consta de 104 especies con variadas aplicacións medicinais e terapéuticas de uso externo e interno para o tratamento de diferentes doenzas, sempre baixo prescrición médica para non incorrer nunha mala administración do produto e acentuar ou mesmo agravar a enfermidade. Esta guía promove un coñecemento da flora e a súa preservación a través das diferentes utilidades que teñen para a humanidade, dado que todas as descritas teñen en común, entre outras utilidades, a de ser beneficiosas para a Saúde.

Decision-makers who guide urban development need the most reliable and current information possible upon which to act. Unfortunately a good deal of information – some contradictory, not all trustworthy – is in circulation regarding climate change and its potential effects upon cities. It is not always clear what represents the scientific consensus.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT