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Feed Eixoecologia


Inicio de sesión

Recursos Externos

Lugar, Papel y perspectivas de Urbanismo como instrumento de desarrollo urbano sostenible y la gestión de proceder (LA)

An international conference on “Reappraising the Urban Planning Process as an instrument for Sustainable Development and Management” held at the UN offices in Gigiri in October 1994.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

Aplicacion del Programa 21

Aplicación del programa 21
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

La urbanización sostenible: El logro de la Agenda 21

Sustainable urbanisation requires lasting economics growth, resulting in reduced poverty and greater social inclusion, and taking account of the relationship between rural and urban areas. It is vital that all organisations involved in development coperation act together to address the challenges of sustainable urbanisation, in support of national goverments, local goverments and their partners. This document is an important contribution to further developing the framework agreed at the World Urban Forum and providing a solid basis for coordinated action.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

Guía do Parque Natural Monte Aloia

Autores - Colaboradores: 

María Ángeles Fernández Giráldez. Manuel Domínguez Rey

Esta guía determina a situación do parque. Relata cómo o Monte Aloia chegou a ser Parque Natural, a xestión levada a cabo no parque e describe o seu medio físico. Adícalle un apartado especial aos fungos , liques e brións que alí se poden atopar e outro máis xeral á vexetación e flora así coma a fauna alí existente. Monte Aloia e o home 9.- Actividades educativas e de lecer  13.- Mapa do Parque Natural
Organismo promotor: D. X. Conservación da Natureza


Gaia Atlas de Ciudades: Nuevas orientaciones para una vida urbana sostenible.

This is a vital source book of innovative ideas and strategies for making our cities ecologically sustainable, aiming to generate discussion of new ways of living and managing our lives in cities. Some of the questions it seeks to address are: How can we provide adequate shelter, and how can we achieve sustainable human settlements in an urbanizing world?
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

Informe de la Reunión del Grupo de Expertos en Evaluación de Planificación de Desarrollo Regional en la gestión de la urbanización

Experiences from Developing Countries: This publication contains the main papers presented at the Expert Group Meeting on Assessing Regional Development Planning in the Management of Urbanization, Nairobi, May 1997. Three main questions that were addressed were: (i) Policies which aim to control migration from rural to urban areas; (ii) The effectiveness of national-regional and city-region policies in managing urbanization and stimulating socio-economic development; and (iii) Improvement of the conceptual basis and implementation tools of regional development planning.

Vínculos urbano-rurales, enfoque de desarrollo sostenible

This report underscores the economic, social and environmental inter-relationship and interdependence that exist between rural and urban areas. It provides a critical assessment of concepts, methods and practices of the urban-rural linkage approach and the  developmental impacts and policy implications of the same. It shares the experiences and makes suggestions on how to advance this approach to other countries.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

Transporte para áreas urbanas y rurales

This publication is based on the report submitted to the fifth session of the Commission on Human Settlements in 1992.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

Vínculos urbano-rural

A 10-year bibliographical record of urban-rural linkages
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

Información general mundial de las tendencias Tecnología de la Construcción: Eficiencia Energética en la Construcción

This publication attempts to bring together recent advances in construction technology which are suited to low-cost construction using locally-available resources. Particular emphasis has been given to energy efficient and cleaner technologies. Selected energy-efficient building design concepts have also been incorporated.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

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