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The UN-HABITAT Water and Sanitation Trust Fund Annual Report 2008

Although sanitation has been hailed as “the most important medical advance since 1840”, over 2.5 billion people – most of them in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia – lack access to basic sanitation. The world is not on track to meet the 2015 Millennium Development Goal (MDG) for sanitation. For the drinking water MDG, progress is better, but the situation still critical in some regions.

Community-Based Housing Finance Initiatives

This report examines one of the main innovations and trends in community-based housing finance initiatives - the Community Mortgage Programme in Philippines. The Community Mortgage Programme in Philippines is an innovative financing scheme that aims to realize the dreams of housing ownership among the lowest income sector of the society and to help informal settlers to gain security of land tenure and housing tenure.

Xornada sobre a prevención de incendios forestais en grandes infraestruturas e núcleos rurais

Presentación das xornadas amosando a realidade forestal galega.
Organismo promotor: Xunta de Galicia. Consellería de Medio Rural


Guide to Municipal Finance

This Guide to Municipal Finance describes the current issues in municipal finance and the ways in which local governments finance services and infrastructure. It sets out a basic economic framework that is used to evaluate the different aspects of municipal finance and that can be used by readers to evaluate other options. The Guide emphasizes that responsible, accountable, and efficient local governments need to raise their own revenues as much possible, adhere to an open and visible municipal budgetary process, and engage in transparent and prudent financial management.

Housing Finance Mechanisms in Chile

This report evaluates the housing finance mechanism in Chile, with special attention to the issues of affordability, efficiency, effectiveness and stability. Over the past three decades, the impact of the Chilean government’s social housing policy on the availability and affordability of housing has been substantial, in particular in drastically improving access to low and middle-income level households.

Housing Finance Mechanisms in the Republic of Korea

This publication is an evaluation housing finance mechanisms in Republic of Korea. It details Republic of Korea’s experience with this type of financing and may provide other countries with insights that could inform their efforts to promote effective housing and housing finance systems. This publication covers consumer finance, mortgage finance, public housing finance, low-income housing finance, the affordability of housing finance, (residential) development finance, and residential and commercial mortgage securitization.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

Housing Finance Mechanisms in Zimbabwe

The report focuses on key aspects and innovative instruments/practices that are specific to Zimbabwe, and makes recommendations, which involve communities in housing delivery with a firm foundation in the housing cooperative movement and which has achieved a substantial amount of success in Zimbabwe. The report also recommends the active participation of civil society organisations as they have also demonstrated a capacity to employ participatory and rights based approaches in housing delivery.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

Social Investment Funds: Human Settlements Financing Tools and Best Practices series

This report provides an overview of the Social Investment Funds and their projects which have been implemented in Asia, Latin and Central America, Eastern Europe and Africa since the 1980s. The report describes the key characteristics of these funds and highlights their relevant weaknesses – predominately related to their financial sustainability; and offering ways in which these issues could be ameliorated. The report also questions the extent to which affordable housing or access to housing for low income groups, could be part of the social fund projects.

Asset-Based Approach to Community Development and Capacity Building: Human Settlements Financing Tools and Best Practices series

This report explores the roots, merits, and applications of an asset-based approach to community development. The report consists of five parts. Part one traces the origins of the debates surrounding the conventional and alternative approaches to community development against the broader background of ‘need vs. asset’ and ‘people vs. place’ distinctions. Part two outlines the distinct perspectives of these two schools of thought on community development. Part three explores the barriers to asset-based approaches to community development.

Estudo dos solos da parroquia de Campolongo (Negreira, a Coruña). Alternativas para o uso forestal

Información sobre a evolución do uso forestal da parroquia de Campolongo baseada na documentación que se conserva na actualidade, xunto coa testemuña dos maiores da zona

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