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Recursos Externos

Ciudades y regiones en la nueva economía de aprendizaje 

Is there a "new learning economy"? Do regions and cities play new roles in terms of governance and intervention in order to promote learning, innovation, productivity and economic performance at the local level? Such questions are high on the political agenda everywhere. This publication, which views the debate from the perspective of a regional learning economy, clearly answers in the affirmative.

Informe sobre os niveis de Ozono da Rede de As Pontes o 14 de Setembro de 2010

O días 14 e 15 de setembro detectáronse situacións episódicas con elevadas concentracións de Ozono na Rede de Vixilancia e Control Atmosférica de Endesa As Pontes.
Organismo promotor: Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestructuras. Secretaría Xeral de Calidade e Avaliación Ambiental. Calidade do Aire de Galicia. Rede de Vixiancia.


Gobierno Local y los motores del crecimiento 

Innovation, skills, entrepreneurship and social cohesion are key drivers of growth, and essential goals of effective economic development strategies. Each has a strong governance component, which requires real partnership between government, business and civil society. In this book, the OECD has brought together top world experts to translate policy lessons into concrete recommendations that will help policy makers and practitioners make the best governance decisions to stimulate growth.
Organismo promotor:OECD

Seguemento mensual industriais maio 2009

Este informe amosa a calidade do aire en base á medición de determinadas emisións nas distintas estacións establecidas en Galicia.
Organismo promotor: Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestructuras. Secretaría Xeral de Calidade e Avaliación Ambiental. Calidade do Aire de Galicia. Rede de Vixiancia.


Globalización e implosión urbana

Autores - Colaboradores: 

Remo Dalla Longa

In the past twenty years, globalization has rendered many economic and social urban functions obsolete. Large cities face a form of implosion, which necessitates a rethinking of both contents and containers. This book will mainly concentrate on the latter aspect.

Seguemento mensual industriais setembro 2009

Este informe amosa a calidade do aire en base á medición de determinadas emisións nas distintas estacións establecidas en Galicia.
Organismo promotor: Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestructuras. Secretaría Xeral de Calidade e Avaliación Ambiental. Calidade do Aire de Galicia. Rede de Vixiancia.


Seguemento mensual industriais outubro 2009

Autores - Colaboradores: 


Este informe amosa a calidade do aire en base á medición de determinadas emisións nas distintas estacións establecidas en Galicia.
Organismo promotor: Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestructuras. Secretaría Xeral de Calidade e Avaliación Ambiental. Calidade do Aire de Galicia. Rede de Vixiancia.

Seguemento mensual industriais novembro 2009

Este informe amosa a calidade do aire en base á medición de determinadas emisións nas distintas estacións establecidas en Galicia.
Organismo promotor: Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestructuras. Secretaría Xeral de Calidade e Avaliación Ambiental. Calidade do Aire de Galicia. Rede de Vixiancia.


Gestión ambiental urbana: el cambio ambiental y el diseño urbano

Autores - Colaboradores: 

Rodney R. White

A provocative account regarding the disturbing dynamics of environmental change, demonstrating that this new environmental crisis shares its origins with traditional crises. Topics discussed include the impact of the environmental crisis on urban planning; major physical functions of the city which critically react with the environment; the relationship between poor quality and inequity in the cities; as well as a new Utopian's opinion of today's problems.

Hacia una política municipal sostenible: un nexo entre la tecnología de la economía y el medio ambiente

Autores - Colaboradores: 

Roberto Camagniuno, Roberta Capellouno y Peter Nijkampb

Environmental problems have become a worldwide concern for economists, as is witnessed by the development of many theories and policies aimed at driving the economy towards a ‘sustainable economy'. The problem becomes even greater if we discuss cities. The first scope of the paper is to offer an analytical framework for ‘urban sustainable development' to present the main economic concepts that are hidden under this label. In particular, different ‘environments' co-exist in a city: the natural, the artifact and the social environment.

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