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Urban Economy and Financing Shelter

Housing Finance Mechanisms in Indonesia

This report examines the nature and scope of the housing problem, the housing sector and the financial sector in Indonesia. It describes the structure, patterns, trends, characteristics and evolution of housing finance, and reviews the main players of the housing finance system and driving forces for the change. It also examines the strategies and instruments for mobilising domestic resources and the sources and volume of housing finance. Finally it looks at the alternatives for developing housing mechanisms in Indonesia.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT


Housing Finance Mechanisms in Peru

This report examines the nature and scope of the housing problem in Peru. It reviews the evolution of the housing finance systems and main players of the housing finance system and driving forces for the change. It introduces mortgage finance development for medium and low income households with two case studies: Fondo and Creditos MIVIVIENDA, and examines the residential mortgage market and its segments and constraints. It also looks at factors constraining the development of housing finance mechanism and policies and strategies to overcome the bottlenecks for housing finance.

Housing Finance Systems In South Africa

This report examines the housing finance mechanisms in South Africa. The report looks at the macro-economic conditions and legal environment in which housing finance is operating. It discusses the role of the state, private sector, multilateral institutions and other agencies in the development of housing finance mechanisms. It explores how the regulatory infrastructure and environment and institutions created by the state can carry some of the intermediary risks associated with extending loans to the lower income housing market.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT


Housing for All: The Challenges of Affordability,Accessibility and Sustainability The Experiences and Instruments from the Developing and developed worlds

This report provides a comprehensive review of the challenges for low and moderate income housing. It focuses on the issues of affordability, accessibility and sustainability in resolving the housing problem. It looks at both formal and informal instruments and how experiences in developed countries and instruments in addressing middle income households can help inspire solutions for low and moderate income housing.

Participatory Budgeting in Africa - A Training Companion (Volumes I and II)

Introduction of participatory budgeting can be a sound vehicle in realizing good governance and fighting poverty. It is a mechanism that involves elected leaders, public officials, service providers, and non-state actors - civil society, private sector and development partners. This Training Companion is part of the effort to build capacity of local government practitioners in introducing participatory budgeting in local government in Africa.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

Housing Finance Mechanisms in Thailand

The report sets the Thai economy as a background for examining the housing finance system. It looks at the real estate market and housing market; the evolution of housing development and housing market. It reviews the provision of low income housing in Thailand.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

The Affordable Housing Tools and Technical Report Series No: 1 Housing and Urban Upgrading in Yantai

This report examines the housing problems in China about two decades ago. It describes the miracle China has made in the field of housing and urban development in the face of such a rapid urbanization. It illustrates how China achieve such a great achievement through the case studies in Yantai and describes the types of housing and urban upgrading initiatives in Yantai. It illustrates how the housing and urban upgrading projects are financed.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

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