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Estrategia Gallega de Desarrollo Sostenible

Autores - Colaboradores: 

Francisco Maseda Eimil, Dionisio Rodríguez Álvarez, María Amparo Álvarez Díaz, Begoña Gayoso Louzao, María José Lourés Rivas, MArcos Pérez Gulin

La Estrategia Gallega de Desarrollo Sostenible representa la oportunidad de concretar un modelo de futuro para Galicia. Un marco de referencia para dar a conocer el camino que tiene que seguir Galicia hacia la sostenibilidad.
Organismo promotor:Xunta de Galicia

Salvar la Tierra: Guía visual del Cambio Climático

Autores - Colaboradores: 

Pecas Estudio

Bossaso Profile: First Steps Towards Strategic Urban Planning - Urban development programme for the Somali region

The publication documents the steps undertaken by the Bossaso Municipality in collaboration with UN-HABITAT towards a sustainable urban management. A strategic development plan for the city is indicated, and projects implemented are illustrated.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

Somos naturaleza: Metodología de lo sensorial y emocional en la educación ambiental.

Autores - Colaboradores: 

José Luis Ollero Beriaín

Os programas e actividades de educación ambiental orientados a rapaces, xóvenes e adultos deben procurar transmitir e acadar experiencias novas para o desenvolvemento das súas capacidades.

Executive Summary of Structure Plans for Awka, Onitsha and Nnewi and Environs 2009-2027

Anambra, with its population of over 4 million people in 2006, is the second most urbanized state in Nigeria, having 62% of its total population living in urban areas. Unfortunately, past Governments since creation of the State in 1991 have failed to adopt city development strategies for the many fast growing cities in the State to cope with rapid urbanization.

Global Report on Human Settlements 2009: Planning Sustainable Cities

Planning Sustainable Cities reviews recent urban planning practices and approaches, discusses constraints and conflicts therein, and identifies innovative approaches that are more responsive to current challenges of urbanization.

Berbera Profile: First Steps Towards Strategic Urban Planning - Urban development programme for the Somali region

This booklet outlines the basic steps taken towards effective and integrated urban development in the city of Berbera in the northern Somalia region (Somaliland). It discusses the tools and processes used – such as a city profile, a city consultation, a spatial analysis, and action plans – and the results that emerged. Ultimately, the publication acts as a comprehensive methodological tool for strategic urban planning.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

Best Practices on Social Sustainability in Historic Districts

The case studies comprise a selection of initiatives in the enhancement and conservation of cultural heritage, contained in UN-HABITAT’S Best Practices Database. They represent all regions of the world and demonstrate a variety of entry points, methods and approaches. Environmental, economic and social sustainability are critical considerations in all of them.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

Gardho Profile: First steps towards strategic urban planning - Urban development programme for the Somali region

The publication contains the spatial analysis of Gardho, a town in the Puntland State of Somalia. This publication presents the results of the urban spatial analysis carried out by UN-HABITAT experts under the guidance of municipal authorities. The analysis gives a basic spatial understanding of the town and highlights concrete challenges and priority areas of intervention. A proposed strategic urban development plan is also presented.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

Garowe Profile: First steps towards strategic urban planning - Urban development programme for the Somali region

The publication contains the spatial analysis of Garowe, the capital city of the Puntland State of Somalia. This publication presents the results of the urban spatial analysis carried out by UN-HABITAT experts under the guidance of municipal authorities. The analysis gives a basic spatial understanding of the town and highlights concrete challenges and priority areas of intervention. A proposed strategic urban development plan is also presented.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

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