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Xornada sobre a prevención de incendios forestais en grandes infraestruturas e núcleos rurais

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Organismo promotor:Xunta de Galicia. Consellería de Medio Rural


Housing the Poor in Asian Cities - Quick Guides for Policy Makers

These Quick Guides examine how formal and informal land markets in Asian cities work, how they have succeeded or failed to make decent, secure, affordable land accessible to the urban poor and how community organizations, support institutions and government agencies are finding innovative ways to improve the poor's access to land for their housing.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

Land Registration in Ethiopia: Early Impacts on Women

This publication from the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) belongs to a series of research reports examining the changing landscape of land tenure security in developing countries. The intent is to provide up-to-date information to land professionals and policy-makers working in the land sector and to raise awareness on what is being done at the country level.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

Land, Property, and Housing in Somalia

Land, Property, and Housing in Somalia is a detailed and comprehensive report that focuses on the Somali legal frameworks and institutional systems relating to land and on the historical background of the current landholding and ownership patterns in Somalia. It also looks at a much wider range of social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental contexts and examines some of the theoretical debates on land issues.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

Secure Land Rights for All

This publication demonstrates how secure land rights are particularly important in helping to reverse three types of phenomena: gender discrimination; social exclusion of vulnerable groups; and wider social and economic inequalities linked to inequitable and insecure rights to land. This study can assist policy-makers to understand and apply the practical ways in which people’s land rights can be made more secure, while at the same time improve land policies as a basis for the better, fairer and more sustainable urban and rural development.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

Xornada sobre a prevención de incendios forestais en grandes infraestruturas e núcleos rurais

Autores - Colaboradores: 


Prevención e Protección de núcleos rurais.
Organismo promotor: Xunta de Galicia. Consellería de Medio Rural


Housing Finance Mechanisms in Thailand

The report sets the Thai economy as a background for examining the housing finance system. It looks at the real estate market and housing market; the evolution of housing development and housing market; the provision of low income housing and examines the housing finance mechanisms in Thailand. It also describes the structure, patterns, trends, characteristics and evolution of housing finance, and the major low income housing finance programs and initiatives. Finally it looks at the alternatives for developing housing mechanisms in Thailand.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

A Guide to Property Law in Uganda

This guide has been written as an information resource for government officials, community leaders, humanitarian aid workers, judges, lawyers and others whose responsibilities include upholding land and property rights in Uganda. It outlines the main provisions of Uganda’s constitutional and legal framework and the protection these provide to property rights. It briefly outlines the historical background to existing land tenure relations, describes the constitutional provisions relating to land in the 1995 Constitution and sets out the main provisions of the Land Act 1998.

Enhancing Access to Modern Energy Options for Poor Urban Settlements

UN-HABITAT organized an Expert Group Meeting on ‘Energy Access for Poor Urban Settlements’ on 4-6 December 2006 at the United Nations Offices in Nairobi. This was an action-oriented forum namely Barriers for use of modern energy in poor urban settlements.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

Xornada sobre a prevención de incendios forestais en grandes infraestruturas e núcleos rurais

Autores - Colaboradores: 

Adalberto Álvarez González

Mantemento en estruturas lineais
Organismo promotor: Xunta de Galicia. Consellería de Medio Rural


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