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Asset-Based Approach to Community Development and Capacity Building: Human Settlements Financing Tools and Best Practices series

This report explores the roots, merits, and applications of an asset-based approach to community development. The report consists of five parts. Part one traces the origins of the debates surrounding the conventional and alternative approaches to community development against the broader background of ‘need vs. asset’ and ‘people vs. place’ distinctions. Part two outlines the distinct perspectives of these two schools of thought on community development. Part three explores the barriers to asset-based approaches to community development.

Estudo dos solos da parroquia de Campolongo (Negreira, a Coruña). Alternativas para o uso forestal

Información sobre a evolución do uso forestal da parroquia de Campolongo baseada na documentación que se conserva na actualidade, xunto coa testemuña dos maiores da zona

Financing Affordable Housing in Europe

This evaluation of social housing finance in Europe is placed in the context of the purpose of social housing, the sources of funds and the institutions that are used for provision. The effectiveness of social housing finance systems and the transferability of European approaches to other countries, particularly the developing world, are discussed. The analysis shows that an examination of the appropriate standards for decent housing and the barriers to market sector institutions meeting housing needs can usefully be investigated before alternative new institutions are created.

Housing Finance Mechanisms in Bolivia

This report reviews the housing finance mechanisms and instruments in Bolivia. It consists of six parts. Part 1 provides an overview of the political, macro-economic and financial sector and its development issues in Bolivia. Part 2 describes the state of housing in Bolivia. Part 3 analyzes the evolution of housing finance and the driving forces behind its development. Part 4 illustrates the main housing finance products and instruments in Bolivia. Part 5 examines bottlenecks and factors constraining the development of housing finance mechanisms in Bolivia.

Housing Finance Mechanisms in India

India is home to over 1.1 billion people. With about one in every sixth person in the world living in India, housing perforce assumes significant importance. Successive Indian governments have regarded housing as a primary need of the people. The need to provide affordable housing has been the reason behind State interventions in the sector. Housing policies, however, tended to be framed by the government from a social rather than economic perspective. Despite explicit recognition of the need for housing, dedicated programmes have only benefited from low public spending. 

Housing Finance Mechanisms in Indonesia

This report examines the nature and scope of the housing problem, the housing sector and the financial sector in Indonesia. It describes the structure, patterns, trends, characteristics and evolution of housing finance, and reviews the main players of the housing finance system and driving forces for the change. It also examines the strategies and instruments for mobilising domestic resources and the sources and volume of housing finance. Finally it looks at the alternatives for developing housing mechanisms in Indonesia.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT


Housing Finance Mechanisms in Peru

This report examines the nature and scope of the housing problem in Peru. It reviews the evolution of the housing finance systems and main players of the housing finance system and driving forces for the change. It introduces mortgage finance development for medium and low income households with two case studies: Fondo and Creditos MIVIVIENDA, and examines the residential mortgage market and its segments and constraints. It also looks at factors constraining the development of housing finance mechanism and policies and strategies to overcome the bottlenecks for housing finance.

Housing Finance Systems In South Africa

This report examines the housing finance mechanisms in South Africa. The report looks at the macro-economic conditions and legal environment in which housing finance is operating. It discusses the role of the state, private sector, multilateral institutions and other agencies in the development of housing finance mechanisms. It explores how the regulatory infrastructure and environment and institutions created by the state can carry some of the intermediary risks associated with extending loans to the lower income housing market.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT


Housing for All: The Challenges of Affordability,Accessibility and Sustainability The Experiences and Instruments from the Developing and developed worlds

This report provides a comprehensive review of the challenges for low and moderate income housing. It focuses on the issues of affordability, accessibility and sustainability in resolving the housing problem. It looks at both formal and informal instruments and how experiences in developed countries and instruments in addressing middle income households can help inspire solutions for low and moderate income housing.

Participatory Budgeting in Africa - A Training Companion (Volumes I and II)

Introduction of participatory budgeting can be a sound vehicle in realizing good governance and fighting poverty. It is a mechanism that involves elected leaders, public officials, service providers, and non-state actors - civil society, private sector and development partners. This Training Companion is part of the effort to build capacity of local government practitioners in introducing participatory budgeting in local government in Africa.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

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