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Social Inclusion

Best Practices on Social Sustainability in Historic Districts

The case studies comprise a selection of initiatives in the enhancement and conservation of cultural heritage, contained in UN HABITAT’S Best Practices Database. They represent all regions of the world and demonstrate a variety of entry points, methods and approaches. Environmental, economic and social sustainability are critical considerations in all of them.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

Gender in Local Government – A sourcebook for Trainers

Local governments are increasingly realizing the importance and benefits of addressing gender equality and equity in their decision making, policies, programmes and services. Many are rising to the challenge. This source book is intended to help improve understanding of the problems involved. It is designed as a companion to other UN-HABITAT training tools, providing local government trainers with the background and tested training methods they need to strengthen the gender dimension in their day-to-day training activities.

Gender Mainstreaming in Local Authorities - Best Practices Best Practices

Since the 1980s, there has been growing recognition of the need to ensure women's equal access to urban public spaces. Many initiatives to mainstream gender by local governments have been documented. Some are comprehensive and are based on supportive policies. Others are ad hoc and address specific issues, sometimes due to crises. Whatever the context, the initiatives provide lessons that other can learn from. this book documents such initiatives.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

How to set up and manage a town level Multistakeholder Forum

"To ensure local ownership of the programme, multistakeholders forums have been set up in each project town. The forums bring together representatives of women and youth groups, orphan-headed households and other vulnerable groups, community-based organizations, faith-based groups, non-governmental organizations, local government, local media and the private sector among others."

Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT



The 2007 UN-HABITAT lecture Award Series UN-HABITAT Lecture Award Series 2 Urban Problems and Policies in Latin America: Truths and Fallacies

The paper summarizes and critically examines collaborative research efforts in the field of Latin American urban studies in the latter half of the 20th century. The outcomes and conclusions arising from this research are revisited in relation to recent trends of urban development in Latin American cities and the analytical perspectives used to understand these as well as prevailing social and urban policies.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT


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