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Environment and Climate Change

The Sustainable Cities China Programme (1996-2007): A Compendium of Good Practice

This publication is a review of the Sustainable Cities Programme’s experience and impact in China from 1996-2007. The SCP was first implemented in China in Shenyang and Wuhan in 1996. From this initial experience, the Environmental Planning and Management methodology was integrated in urban management to address pressing environmental concerns such as air pollution, water quality, solid waste management and urban traffic.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

The Sustainable Cities Programme in Philippines (1998-2007): A compendium of good practices

The Sustainable Cities Programme/Local Agenda 21 Programme in the Philippines was started in 1998 by UN-HABITAT in collaboration with the Department of the Environment and Natural Resources. It was targeted at secondary towns and was perceived as a localization of the Philippine Agenda 21. Its main purpose was to pioneer the integration of environmental planning and management within the city organizations using the Sustainable Cities Programme-Local Agenda 21 approach.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

Improving Urban Planning through Localizing Agenda 21: Results achieved in Bayamo, Cuba, SCP/LA21 documentation series

This case-study shows how municipal urban planning practices can be improved through a Local Agenda 21 approach. It presents the results achieved by the city of Bayamo, Cuba.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

The Sustainable Cities Nigeria Programme 1994-2006: Building Platforms for Environmentally Sustainable Urbanisation

This publication is a review of the Sustainable Cities Programme’s experience and impact in Nigeria between 1994 and 2006. The Sustainable Cities Programme in Nigeria started in Ibadan in 1994. Later, it was extended to other cities.
Organismo promotor:UNHABITAT

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