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Feed Eixoecologia


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Política urbana

Ciudades competitivas y Cambio Climático

Autores - Colaboradores: 

Lamia Kamal-Chaoui. Alexis Robert

This report on Competitive Cities and Climate Change presents findings on the impact of metropolitan regions on climate change. It illustrates how local involvement through climate-conscious urban planning and management can help achieve national climate goals and minimise tradeoffs between environmental and economic priorities. The report analyses policy tools that city and regional governments can deploy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to potential climate change impacts, including the greening of existing fiscal policies and new financing arrangements.

Hacia un uso del suelo urbano más sostenible: Consejo de la Comisión Europea para las políticas y acciones

Autores - Colaboradores: 

Grupo de Expertos sobre el medio ambiente urbano

This paper offers recommendations adderessed to European Commision about sustainable urban policy. Although these recommendations are addressed to Commision, they are also intented to have resonance for national goverments and for local and regional authorities and to facilitate action by them.
Organismo promotor:COMISIÓN EUROPEA

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