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Feed Eixoecologia


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Indicadores comunes europeos:Hacia un perfil de sostenibilidad local

Autores - Colaboradores: 

Ambiente Italia Research Institute

A prerequisite on the way towards sustainability is the need to measure impacts of urban activities. The ECI initiative has developed inidcators reflecting local actions towards sustainability in as much an integreted way as possible.
Organismo promotor:COMISIÓN EUROPEA

La evaluación Dobris (Cap.10): El medio ambiente urbano

This chapter analyses the quality of the urban environment in Europe. The flows of natural resources that sustain cities are described to illustrate the interdependence between urban systems and the regional and global environment. Current patterns of urban development are examined in relation to the degree of pollution and exploitation of natural resources. An experimental set of urban environmental indicators are used to identify major urban environmental problems in a selected number of European cities and to assess regional differences and priorities.

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