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El medio ambiente en Europa: 2ªevaluación. El medio ambiente urbano

Más de dos tercios de la población en Europa vive en zonas urbanas, y la influencia de las ciudades sobrepasa sus límites geográficos con impactos a escala regional y mundial mediante la demanda de recursos naturales, la generación de residuos y las emisones al agua, aire y suelo. La huella ecológica de una ciudad puede ser más de cien veces superior al área que ocupa.

10 mensajes para el 2010. Los ecosistemas urbanos

In Europe, where the overwhelming majority of people live in urban areas, tackling the interlinked challenges between biodiversity and its network of towns and cities is crucial to help halting biodiversity loss.

Garantizar la calidad de vida en las ciudades europeas y ciudades

The report defines a vision for progess towards a more sustainable, well designed urban future. This report highligts the corrections between the different dimensions of quality of life.

Hacia un atlas urbano: Evaluación de los datos espaciales en 25 ciudades europeas y las zonas urbanas

The present report describes the work developed by the Murbandy/Moland project (Monitoring Urban Dynamics/Monitoring Land Use Changes). The aim of the report is to disseminate the first results of this research project. These databases combine environmental, economic and social data in order to better understand the characteristics and dynamics of urban growth and related land use changes such as transport and energy infrastructures and changes in agricultural and natural areas. This report presents the results of the preliminary set of the 25 urban areas.

Calidad del aire urbano en Europa

This report provides an overview of the state of air pollution in major European cities. Air pollution is a feature of life across Europe. The detailed examination of air quality in European cities presented here is both relevant and timely. In this report, each city is examined in terms of its potential for air pollution problems. This reviw concludes that there is capacity for improvement in air pollution management in all of the investigated cities

La evaluación Dobris (Cap.10): El medio ambiente urbano

This chapter analyses the quality of the urban environment in Europe. The flows of natural resources that sustain cities are described to illustrate the interdependence between urban systems and the regional and global environment. Current patterns of urban development are examined in relation to the degree of pollution and exploitation of natural resources. An experimental set of urban environmental indicators are used to identify major urban environmental problems in a selected number of European cities and to assess regional differences and priorities.

La evaluación Dobris (Cap.37): El estrés urbano

Important changes in the quality of the urban environment have occurred in Europe in the last few decades. Despite the progress achieved in controlling local air and water pollution, urban areas show increasing signs of environmental stress. Major concerns for European cities are the quality of air, acoustic quality and traffic congestion. Open spaces and green areas are under continuous threat due to more competitive uses of limited land resources.

Guía para la adhesión de las empresas turísticas a la Carta Europea de Turismo Sostenible.

Autores - Colaboradores: 

Javier Gómez-Limón García. Angeles de Andres Carames. Amanda Guzmán Villar

Crecer en un Mundo en vías de urbanización

More than half of all children in industrialised countries live in urban areas, and the same will be true in the developing world in the near future. Yet, by almost all indicators, cities are failing to meet the needs of young people, prejudicing their chances as adults. This book summarizes the results of "Growing up in Cities", an eight-country UNESCO Project (Most Programme), including Australia, Argentina, India, Norway, Poland, South Africa, United Kingdom and USA.

Cuevas turísticas: Aportación al desarrollo sostenible.

Autores - Colaboradores: 

J. J. Durán. P. A. Robledo. J. Vázquez

Organismo promotor: Instituto Xeolóxico e Mineiro de España


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